
Whatever the service you are looking for, you are at the right place. We offer a reactive response to your questions and our aim is not less than excellence.
With us, you can have tailored made solutions, we offer, you choose.

Tax matters :
Without any doubt our main and specialized activity is tax filing for individuals, especially expats or US citizens domiciled in Switzerland, as well  as frontaliers. Our actvity covers the cantons de Genève, Vaud and also starting now in Neuchâtel and Valais

Accounting :
Lancelot Fiduciaire offers a wide range of services, for both small companies and private persons.
If you are a holder or interested into founding your own company, we take you along all the processes to do so, be it a sole proprietorship or a capital company. We can then ensure all the compliances with the local social and tax authorities, as well as your accounting and tax reporting.

Reach us at  +41 (0)22 310 46 60
